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Ask These Questions to a CoWorking Space Provider to Choose the Perfect Workspace for You

July 17, 2023
2 min read

The paradigm of workspaces has shifted dramatically in recent years, with a growing emphasis on flexibility, collaboration, and shared spaces. As traditional corporate structures give way to more fluid and innovative models, the concept of coworking spaces has emerged as a significant disruptor. Combining the functionality of professional offices with the creativity-inducing vibe of a coffee shop, these spaces have become the preferred choice for freelancers, startups, and even established companies. Selecting the right coworking space, however, requires careful deliberation and an understanding of your unique needs.

When selecting a coworking space, a critical first step involves developing a comprehensive list of questions to pose to the space provider - akin to a due diligence process in corporate law. These questions will serve as a guide, enabling you to dissect the offerings of various locations and ultimately select the one most conducive to your productivity and growth.

  • What types of membership plans do you offer?

Getting to the core of the economic model of your prospective workspace, this question addresses the different membership options. Some coworking spaces offer tiered options, including hot-desks, dedicated desks, and private offices. The hot-desk option, a term borrowed from the concept of hoteling in real estate, is the most flexible, allowing you to select any available desk or workspace. A dedicated desk, in contrast, assures a fixed workspace. Understanding these options is crucial as it directly affects your cost, privacy level, and personal space.

  • What are the opening hours?

Circadian rhythms, the inherent biological process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle over a 24-hour period, differ significantly among individuals. Some people hit their peak productivity in the early morning hours while others are night owls. Therefore, knowing the operational hours of the coworking space can be pivotal, especially if you tend to work at unconventional hours.

  • What are the networking opportunities?

One of the cardinal benefits of coworking spaces is the potential for networking. These spaces often organize events and workshops, fostering collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas. Understanding the frequency and type of these events, therefore, can offer insights into the potential synergies you can tap into.

  • What amenities are included in the membership?

The Pareto principle, often referred to as the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This principle can be applied to your use of amenities in a coworking space – a small set of amenities may cater to a majority of your needs. Therefore, it is essential to understand what amenities are included in the membership, ranging from internet connectivity, printing facilities, meeting rooms to coffee machines.

  • What is the community culture like?

The ethos of a coworking space, much like the corporate culture in companies, can significantly influence your work experience. Some spaces may have a more relaxed, creative environment, while others may maintain a corporate, formal atmosphere. Depending on your work style and preferences, the community culture could be a deciding factor.

  • How accessible is the location?

The geographic location of the coworking space, an aspect rooted in spatial economics, is a key consideration. A centrally located space might offer better networking opportunities, access to clients and services. However, it could potentially entail higher costs and longer commute times.

  • Is there room for growth?

A workspace that can accommodate your growth trajectory is an important factor to consider, particularly for startups and expanding businesses. Having to relocate your business due to space restrictions can be disruptive and costly.

While the above questions offer a comprehensive checklist, each individual or business might have unique concerns pertaining to their specific needs. Therefore, the process of selecting a coworking space could be seen as a complex optimization problem, where you attempt to maximize benefits and minimize costs while considering multiple constraints.

In conclusion, the evolution of workspaces towards coworking models offers exciting opportunities. By asking the right questions, you can navigate through the myriad of options and find a workspace that not only meets your logistical needs but also complements your growth and creative aspirations.


Related Questions

The coworking space may offer tiered options including hot-desks, dedicated desks, and private offices. Hot-desks are the most flexible, allowing you to select any available desk or workspace, while a dedicated desk assures a fixed workspace.

The opening hours of the coworking space can vary. It is important to know these, especially if you tend to work at unconventional hours.

The coworking space may organize events and workshops that foster collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas. The frequency and type of these events can offer insights into potential synergies.

Amenities included in the membership can range from internet connectivity, printing facilities, meeting rooms to coffee machines.

The ethos of a coworking space can significantly influence your work experience. Some spaces may have a more relaxed, creative environment, while others may maintain a corporate, formal atmosphere.

The geographic location of the coworking space is a key consideration. A centrally located space might offer better networking opportunities, access to clients and services but could potentially entail higher costs and longer commute times.

A workspace that can accommodate your growth trajectory is an important factor to consider, particularly for startups and expanding businesses. Having to relocate your business due to space restrictions can be disruptive and costly.

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