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9 Essential Questions to Ask Before Choosing a CoWorking Space

July 24, 2023
2 min read

The shift from traditional office spaces to more collaborative environments is a phenomenon that has been observed globally in recent years. This change is predominantly driven by the rise of the gig economy, remote working, and the increasing number of startups. At its core, this transition is spearheaded by the advent of coworking spaces, which are shared workspaces that provide an avenue for professionals from diverse fields to work together under a single roof.

Before plunging headfirst into the seemingly attractive world of coworking spaces, there are nine cardinal queries that need to be addressed. These inquiries, when tackled appropriately, will facilitate your selection of an optimal coworking environment, aligning perfectly with your professional and personal needs.

  • What Type of Environment Do I Thrive In?

The essence of working in a collaborative space revolves around the social and professional environment. Some spaces are teeming with professionals engrossed in networking and creative collaboration, while others maintain a serene ambiance similar to a traditional office.

In the context of environmental psychology, the concept of 'affordances' validates this point. Affordances refer to the potential actions that an environment allows or encourages. Hence, the coworking space you select should afford the type of work you wish to pursue.

  • What Amenities Are Available?

The amenities offered by a coworking space are pivotal to your decision-making process. Basic amenities may include Wi-Fi, printing services, meeting rooms, and kitchen facilities. However, high-end coworking spaces have begun to offer more advanced amenities such as in-house gyms, childcare services, and even sleeping pods.

  • How Flexible Is the Membership?

Coworking spaces generally offer a variety of membership plans, including daily, weekly, or monthly options. Some even offer hourly rates. The concept of 'temporal flexibility,' which is a significant element of labour economics, underlines the importance of this question. Temporal flexibility allows individuals to adjust their working hours according to their personal needs and preferences, thus enhancing their overall productivity and work-life balance.

  • What Is the Cost?

The cost of membership is, undeniably, a considerable factor. Make sure to consider the trade-offs between price and facility offerings, as more expensive spaces generally provide more amenities. Remember, the law of diminishing marginal utility can come into play here. You should aim to maximize utility (or satisfaction) given your budget constraints, but be aware that the additional benefit you derive from each extra amenity will eventually start to decrease.

  • What Is the Commute Like?

As per Tobler’s First Law of Geography, “everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” This principle precisely applies to the choice of a coworking space. You might find a fantastic space with top-notch facilities, but if it necessitates a longer commute, you may want to reconsider.

  • What Networking Opportunities Are Available?

Networking opportunities are one of the major advantages of coworking spaces. It's pertinent to note that the concept of 'social capital’ also ties in here, wherein your diverse interactions within the coworking space serve to build and enhance your professional relationships and networks.

  • How Secure is the Space?

Security should be a top priority. Ensure that the coworking space has proper security measures in place, like 24/7 surveillance cameras, secure access, and data protection mechanisms.

  • What Is the Culture Like?

Every coworking space has its unique culture shaped by its community. The culture should align with your working style, values, and goals. This aspect can be explained subtly by Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, which emphasizes that the culture of any space can significantly impact one’s productivity and satisfaction.

  • Can I See Myself Thriving Here?

Finally, envisage yourself working in the space. Do you see yourself being productive, enjoying your time, and achieving your goals? Your intuition, complemented by the results of your analytical deliberation, can guide you towards the right decision.

In conclusion, the optimal selection of a coworking space requires a well-rounded evaluation involving myriad factors. By answering these nine crucial questions, you ensure that your chosen workspace complements your professional aspirations while simultaneously catering to your personal needs.


Related Questions

The gig economy is a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs.

In environmental psychology, 'affordances' refer to the potential actions that an environment allows or encourages.

Temporal flexibility is a concept in labour economics that allows individuals to adjust their working hours according to their personal needs and preferences.

The law of diminishing marginal utility states that the additional benefit or satisfaction derived from consuming each additional unit of a good or service will eventually start to decrease.

Tobler’s First Law of Geography states that 'everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.'

'Social capital' refers to the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively.

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory is a framework for cross-cultural communication that describes the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior.

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